In an effort to communicate highlights of each day’s activities, parent teachers, children, and Teacher Penny will create a Daily Journal. Each adult will contribute an entry on a quarter of the day’s journal page. Entries will vary according to the authors. You might add quotations from children’s conversations, sketches of block structures, dictated stories,…

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What should your child wear? What should your child wear? Comfortable clothes that can get dirty are a must. Preschoolers can be very messy. When children are expected to keep their clothing clean while learning and exploring, their creativity and self-confidence are often affected. They get the message that their clothing is more important than…

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Three parent teachers and an emergency parent are scheduled each day. Your class rep will provide information on how to sign up for your parent teaching days. She will coordinate the sign-ups so the workload is equitable for all. Each family in the Blue class parent teaches 1 to 2 times per month. Green class…

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Fathers, mothers or significant adults are encouraged to participate in the preschool classroom whenever possible. Each adult who wishes to work with children at school or on field trips must pass a Criminal Background Check as required by Oregon state law, and attend all three of our required trainings. Adults who are unable to parent…

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In order to make the transition to school as easy as possible, I like to visit with new HPPK children at their home just before school starts. At Orientation all families of preschool children who are new to HPPK may sign up for a home visit. These visits are scheduled for the mornings of September…

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Class Colors

CLASS COLORS Each class has been assigned a color to facilitate organization and communication. The MWF preschool class (Green class) has green cubbies, bulletin board, coat hook labels, name cards, and pens for writing names on art projects. The TTH preschool class (Blue class) is assigned the color blue, and the Kindergarten class is assigned…

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Family Participation

Parents, Grandparents, care givers, or other significant others are welcome to participate as Parent Teachers in the classroom. Each adult who wishes to work with children at school or on field trips must pass a Criminal Background Check as required by Oregon state law, and attend all three of our required trainings. We will welcome…

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Kindergarten Parent Teaching

Each day we will have a Parent Teacher and an Emergency (E Parent) scheduled. Our Class Representative (Jessica Gray) will provide information on how to sign up for your Parent Teaching days. They will coordinate the sign-ups so the workload is equitable for each family. Each Family will parent teach about 2 or 3 times…

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