Class options, tuition and fees
We offer two mixed-age preschool classes.
Blue Class
Tues. and Thurs., 9 a.m. – 11:30 a.m.
Children must be 3 years old by Sept. 1
The maximum class size is 16 children
2024-2025 Monthly tuition is on a sliding scale from $190-$230, plus fees as noted below
Green Class
Mon., Wed. and Fri., 9 a.m. – 12 p.m.
Children must be 3.5 years old by Sept. 1
The maximum class size is 18 children
2024-2025 Monthly tuition is on a sliding scale from $270-$330, plus fees as noted below
Registration fee
Required at registration to guarantee placement
Materials Fee
- $50
- due at Parents Welcome in May or upon registration (whichever is later)
Cleaning Fee
This fee will be waived for families who commit to perform one weekend cleaning.
Failure to perform the weekend cleaning will result in a fee of $200.
First month’s tuition
Due at Parents Welcome in May or upon registration (whichever is later)
Last month’s tuition
Due at Orientation or upon registration (whichever is later)
May be refundable within 30 days with written notice of resignation
Tuition late fee
Applied when tuition is five days past due
Membership may be suspended when tuition is more than two weeks past due
Fundraising goal is $5,000
Fundraisers held throughout the year
We collaborate to meet or exceed our fundraising goal which helps keep tuition low