At Hillsboro Parent Preschool You Will See:
- Adults scattered through the classroom supporting individuals or small groups in exploration and play (ex: an adult writing down a story that a child is telling)
- Children, alone and in small groups, exploring their world through materials and ideas
- Children expressing their understanding of the world with their bodies, tools, art media, light, natural materials, drama, music, and both written and spoken word
- For a short time each day, children and adults gathered together for activities designed to build a sense of community
- Paint or mud on hands and feet
- An environment that encourages children to be independent as well as to negotiate and collaborate with peers and adults (ex: creating their own obstacle course with stumps and planks)
You Will Not See:
- One teacher lecturing the entire group at once
- Worksheets to color
- Identical product-oriented art projects
- Everyone doing the same thing, at the same time, all day long
- Perfectly clean clothing and bodies
- A climbing structure or swing set on the playground
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